Equipment Details
X-ray microscope
Non-destructive evaluation
GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies GmbH

- Non-destructive inspection of components and modules, especially out of high contrast materials (solder, metal layers etc.)
- Failure analysis and defect identification
- Quality control
- Inspection of hidden interconnects
- Analysis of assemblies
- Inherent protection X-ray equipment accord. RÖV
- High resolution vertical and oblique view up to 70° radiography
- Open nanofocusTM tube with diamond target
- Acceleration voltage 10 - 160kV / 15W, beam current 5 - 880 µA
- Specimen movement in 5 axis
- High resolution real-time image chain and alternatively digital detector
- CCD camera 1126 x 1600 Pixel, 12 Bit
- Digital detector 1000 x 100 Pixel, 14 Bit
- Geometrical magnification > 1.000x
- Min. details recognition: 400 nm
- Additional feature: laminography
- Additional feature: tomography
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