Werner Hartmann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Hartmann (1912 - 1988) can be presumed to be the founder of microelectronics in the former GDR. Already during his study at TH Berlin-Charlottenburg he dealed with topics of semiconductor physics. After that he worked at Siemens Television GmbH from 1935 to 1945. 1945 Werner Hartmann was engaged to work in former Soviet Union, where he developed measurement equipment for nuclear radiation. 1955 he returned to Dresden and founded here in 1961 the "Arbeitsstelle für Molekularelektronik" (Institut of Molecular Electronics), the priming for the development of microelectronics in and around Dresden, today Silicon Saxony.
Naming the high-tech building of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering after him and also taking his name for Werner-Hartmann-Zentrum TU Dresden honors Werner Hartmann, who also worked at the university as a professor starting from 1958.